2025 Season Pricing and Trip Options:
Following are the pricing and trip options for this season. Please note that some trips may only be offered in certain months. If you don’t see a trip that you’re interested in, please give us a call and we will work with you. Once you’re ready Book Here.
Please click on the links for more information or if you still have questions, contact us for help.
May-June Sea Bass Trip – 4-Hour Trip: $675.00 – 2 Trip Times
July-August Sea Bass/Fluke Trip – 6-Hour Trip: $925.00
June-August Striped Bass/Bluefish Trip – 6-Hour Trip: $925.00
June-August Sea Bass/Fluke/Striped Bass – 8-Hour Trip: $1,225.00
All Day Tuna Trip – All day 8-9 Hour Giant Tuna Trip: $1,650.00
All-Day Cod/Haddock Fishing Trip – All day 8-9 Hour Trip: $1,650.00
All-Day Cod/Haddock/Tuna Fishing Trip – 8-9 Hour Trip: $1,650.00
Full-Day Nantucket Shoals Fluke Trip – All day 8-9 Hour Trip: $1,650.00
Bass River Boat Cruise – 2 Hour Trip for up to 6 people: $400.00
Please take note that Rates do not include the Mate’s Tip which is typically 15 – 20%.
May-June Black Sea Bass Trip for $675.00:
A four-hour trip for up to 4 people. June is a great time to target one of the sea’s greatest-tasting fish, Black Sea Bass. We offer two trips daily. The first leaves the dock at 7 a.m. and the afternoon trip leaves at noon. The price of the trip is for up to 4 people. Everything you need is included in the price of the trip except for the mate’s tip. Black Sea Bass Season normally starts around the 3rd Saturday in May. We can provide earlier catch-and-release trips.
July – August Black Bass / Fluke Fishing Trip for $925.00:
6-hour Morning Trip for up to 4 people. The boat will leave the dock at 7:00 a.m. and return around 1:00 p.m. This trip will target Black Sea Bass and Fluke around the shoals of Monomoy or in Nantucket Sound.
Everything for fishing is included in the price except the mate’s tip.
June – August Striper / Blues Fishing Trip for $925.00:
6-Hour extended day trip – The boat will leave the dock at 7:00 a.m. and return around 1:00 p.m. We will target Stripers and Bluefish around the shoals and rips of Monomoy.
Everything for fishing is included in the price except for the mate’s tip.
June-August Black Bass / Fluke / Striper Trip for $1,225.00:
An 8-hour mixed bag fishing trip targeting Black Sea Bass, Fluke, and Striped Bass. This full-day trip gives you ample time to be on the rod and a chance to land multiple species of fish.
The boat will leave the dock at 7:00 a.m. and return around 3:00 p.m. The package includes all fishing equipment, with the exception of the mate’s tip.
Full-Day Tuna Fishing Trip for $1,650.00:
8-9-hour all-day trip – The boat will leave the dock at 6:00 a.m. and return around 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. We will head out to the Tuna grounds in search of Giant Bluefin Tuna. You’re allowed to keep recreational-sized tuna but if we land any giants, they go to the captain.
The package includes all fishing equipment, with the exception of the mate’s tip.
Full-Day Cod/Haddock Fishing Trip for $1,650.00:
8-9-hour all-day trip – The boat will leave the dock at 6:00 a.m. and return around 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. We will head out to deep water and target Cod and Haddock. If time permits, we may stop at Monomoy on the way back in to try for some Striper or Bluefish.
The package includes all fishing equipment, with the exception of the mate’s tip.
Mixed Bag Full-Day Cod/Haddock/Tuna Fishing Trip for $1,650.00:
8-9-hour all-day trip – The boat will leave the dock at 6:00 a.m. and return around 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. We will head out to deep water and target Tuna, Cod, and Haddock. You’re allowed to keep recreational-sized Tuna. If time permits, we may stop at Monomoy on the way back in and try for Striper or Bluefish.
The package includes all fishing equipment, with the exception of the mate’s tip..
Full-Day Nantucket Shoals Fluke Trip for $1,650.00:
8-9 Hour Full-Day Trip – The boat will leave the dock at 6:00 a.m. and return around 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. We will head out to Nantucket Shoals and target doormat Fluke and Sea Bass. If time permits, we may stop at Monomoy on the way back in to try for some Striper or Bluefish.
The package includes all fishing equipment, with the exception of the mate’s tip. You supply your own drinks and snacks.
If you have any questions about our pricing and trip options, please feel free to reach out to us.